
Showing posts from September, 2010
Sometimes I wonder why doctors do the things they do. Take test results for example: A doctor orders a test, then on your next doctor's visit or even a phone call they tell you in vague,cryptic terms that they want you to see a specialist. I understand family doctors can't do everything and there are times when a person needs to see a specialist. However, the family doctor puts the results of the tests in such terms that a person can't help but get alarmed at times. "Uh, Lisa there was something on your results that were abnormal and we want to send you an hour away to this specialist." But they don't go into details even when I ask them for clarification. It has been the case, though, when I have went to a specialist or one of my family members have gone to a specialist that their condition was not as bad as we were led to believe. I know doctors have to be cautious and need second opinions in certain cases but why can't they pick up a phone and consult w...


My grandfather went to the doctor today. For some reason, his supplemental insurance sends the co-pay for this particular doctor straight to him. We took the payment to the doctor, I explained to the receptionist the check came to my grandfather. After I just got finished telling her we had the money for the payment and the money in my hand the other office worker said to make sure we made the payment. Gee, I thought that's what I was doing. I love, love, love being told to do something right in the middle of me doing it.

Why is your grandfather taking this medicine? Uh, because you told me to.

I went with my grandfather to the doctor today. As his doctor was going over his medicines, he looked at a bottle, looked at me, and then asked me,"Who prescribed this medicine?" My response, "Uh, you did."  He then told me, "No, I didn't, he doesn't need it."  Normally , I would have had a smart mouth retort but I decided to hold my tongue. But it made me think, why would I go out and buy my grandfather a medicine without consulting his doctor?  I'm not a health care professional but I am pretty thorough about what he takes- I double check his prescriptions, try to be careful when filling his pill box, and stay on top of his medical conditions. I wouldn't just decide to pull something out of my @$$ concerning his medicines. Besides, he's been taking this particular prescription for almost two years, we always take all his pill bottles to the doctor, and he just now noticed he's taking something he shouldn't be? Of course, docto...

A Trip to the Oral Surgeon

My grandmother had a bad tooth, it was abscessed and she was in a lot of pain. We FINALLY got her to the dentist but he couldn't do anything for the tooth so he referred her to an oral surgeon. After two cancellations- she did not want to go, she doesn't like dentists- we finally got her to the surgeon today. The oral surgeon came in, examined the tooth, told us there couldn't be anything done with it and it had to be extracted. We all came up with a plan- twilight anesthesia and he left the room for a few minutes. A lady from the accounts office then came in and told us what the cost would be- $380 for the whole shebang. No payment plans for those without dental insurance. She said the anesthesia cost $215. My grandmother's response was Uh-uh and shoo that's way too expensive. The money lady then offered the alternative of local anesthetic-which would bring the cost down to $165- that price made my grandmother happy. Her tooth was then pulled and all was good with ...