Pursuing the Times by Lauren Baratz-Logsted

Kindle  or Nook edition
Publisher: TKA Distribution (August 24, 2012)
257 pages 

I received a complimentary copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.


Mercury Lauren ( pronounced like Bacall, not Ralph)  is a successful author of satires. However, her books are usually listed under chick-lit so poor Mercury doesn't get any respect. All she wants is a review in the New York Times. Is that too much to ask? So when she meets the editor-in-chief of the book review she makes it her mission to convince him to give her books a chance. No matter what gets in her way nothing will stop her from...Pursuing the Times.


Loosely based on Pride and Prejudice the author has written a delightful romantic comedy. Mercury's adventures in stalking the editor of the NYTBR are chuckle worthy and the characters trade witty banter back and forth. I especially liked the e-mail exchanges between Mercury and her stalkee.

Find out more about the author here:


Buy it here:


Rating: Yup, it's for sure a four tea-cupper!




  1. Hello! I just dropped by to tell you that I have nominated you for the Liebster Award!
    Follow this link for the details:

    Have a wonderful day!!!! ;~)

  2. Hey, I'm a new follower :) I found you trough your goodreads post.
    This book sounds like a mix of 'pride and prejudice' and 'confessions of a shopaholic' - two of my favorites! I might just have to read this.

    - Camilla


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