You Put Your Left Foot In...

My husband and I had one of our deep philosophical discussions a few days ago:

" Very few of my teachers inspired me. I liked a lot of them but very few of them were inspiring.", I said.

" I'm trying to think of some of mine. I liked some, too. But a lot of them just weren't good teachers.", he stated.

" Now, my third grade teacher- I loved her. She was patient and read to us and she encouraged us to read with reading contests."

" Yeah, I loved it when teachers read to us."

" Now my second grade teacher, I didn't learn hardly anything in her class. I had to teach myself how to tell time. Oh, wait. We learned the hokey pokey."

" Well, that's important. You learned to put your left foot in and your left foot out. And your right foot in and your right foot out."

" And I learned to turn myself around. That's what it's all about."


  1. Oh, I loved when teachers read to us, too. Even one of my 6th grade teachers read to us once in a while. It was wonderful.

  2. My second grade teacher used to read to us. She would hold the book and read it from the top. I was always so impressed by how she could do that :)

  3. My third grade teacher changed my life for the better. I was heading down the wrong path, she noticed it and took extra time with me to make it right. I have her to thank very much for my success in life. She stands out the most for my experience with teachers. Yes, she read to us as well.


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