America's Greatest Blunder: The Fateful Decision To Enter World War I by Burton Pines

America's Greatest Blunder: The Fateful Decision To Enter World War I
By: Burton Yale Pines
Genre: History
437 pages
Publisher: RSD Press
Publication Date: October 2013

In America's Greatest Blunder the author leads up to the the conditions during the last months of WWI; and the reasoning behind America becoming involved despite remaining neutral during the early years of the war. He also reasons why America entering the war was a BIG MISTAKE.

One of my great-grandfathers served in WWI and because of that ( and because I love history) I've always been intrigued with WWI history. However, I didn't know a lot about it. In America's Greatest Blunder Pines gives a new perspective to the War To End All Wars. I found the material very intriguing. Once I got into it I found it hard to put the book down. The one little problem I had was the author tended to repeat some of the information. However, it wasn't distracting and I immensely enjoyed the book. So, it's going to be a...

1/2 teacups

* I received a copy of the book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

If you're interested buy it here:



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