Yesterday while sitting in the chair reading the phone rang. The husband picked it up, spoke for a few minutes to the caller, and handed it to me. It was my Dad.

" Lisa, do you have a box?", he asked.

 " I think so. Why do you need one?", I asked.

" I went to the store and on the way I hear ' Meow , meow, meow.' The damn cat got under my seat and is having kittens."

So... about an hour later after I finished laughing I found a box and went outside.

" Bring the box here, she's under the seat. You'll have to get 'em. I can't reach under there. I'll get you a towel."

" I don't think I can fit either," I said.
" You can reach better than I can."
" Um, ok."

So I gently reached under the seat and extracted the mother...

" OOH OOH OOH, one's still attached," I exclaimed as I sat the mommy cat back down.

" It's ok. That happens. Just pick it up and put it in the box", Mom said.

" Oh hell."

" Lisa!"

" Sorry."

( Deep breath, circle of life, hakuna matata, whatever.)

So I tried it again. I picked up the mommy and the kitten and gently put them in the box.

Woo Hoo!

I then got the other two and settled them into their new, uh cathouse.

" I'm gonna name 'em Dodge, Ram, and Truck," Dad said.

If there'd been a fourth one we could have named it Hemi.


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