Blog Love

Today I got my first blog award from Fort Living Room . I appreciate it, since I have a tendency to say what whatever pops into my head. So thank you Fort Living Room . The rules are: 1. Thank and link back to the person who gave the award to you 2. Share 7 things about yourself 3. Send it along to 15 other bloggers and let them know you have awarded them! 7 things you might or might not know about me: 1. I have a degree in social work. 2. I have a himalayan cat named Sassy. 3. I have a touch of ocd. 4. I can be very impatient at times. 5. There's a 19 yr. age age between me and my husband. 6. I like kool-aid. 7. I don't like needles. Now for the best part. The 15 blogs I'm awarding. Some of these have received this before, probably even from the person who I received it from but still: 1. hold my hand : a social worker's blog 2. A Side of Sanity 3. Another cookie, please! 4. Dad's dementia decline 5. Busy Mom's Tips 6. a spicy boy, a cat, and my...